Quote Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
Eh, Prog covers a pretty wide variety of music, since it can be applied to most music genres. I listen to a lot of Post-Metal, and a great deal of that is Prog.
Obviously I was referring to Opeth's brand of prog. Pop prog, if you will. Didn't the context give that awat?

Quote Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
Well, yeah, I suppose so. Almost all Metal has melodies in it one way or another, I just find that traditional Death Metal doesn't really have a good balance for me. Especially seeing a lot of it use deep growls, which I general like less then screams which are often used in Melodeath and Black Metal.
Mind you, there are of course exceptions, Insomnium being one of them. But again, they're Melodeath. I rarely like the very deep, almost burpy growls used by some Brutal Death Metal and Grindcore bands.
Well we all know about grindcore and jazz's long and colorful history

Quote Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
I'm also not a big Jazz fan. I don't mind it, and I like Jazz fusion, but as far as oldie music goes, I'm more of a Baroque and Classical kinda guy. (Although considerably more oldie)
I wouldn't call jazz 'old', especially not contemporary jazz, which is what I'm referring to.

Quote Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
The projects Tim Yatrass has been involved in are awesome, and I'm not just saying that because he's my favorite drummer.
Just sayin'.

As for the whole Indie Rock influences, I partly agree, although it's not just Indie influences it's been drawing influence from. But we're getting into Post-Metal now.
Yeah I don't get post rock vibes from Alcest as much as I do shoegaze. I think indie rock's a bit more accurate a term to use because of how much more encompassing it is. Post rock implies it's taking certain influences when, let's be honest, it's lifted the whole thing.