Versi's light blue armour clinked a little as the girl laughed heartily at Shard's gesture. Braga's words however make her raise an eyebrow. Had she missed something in this conversation? The tiny traveller glanced between the two before shrugging, (making her armour clank once again) and nodding to their comrade "Father's good with Magitech. You should see him work. And he made the right decision, bringing us here. It's the finest place we could hope to find, especially with the Scavenger Lands being like they are. We're all in the same boat, I guess. Lost in the wilderness, looking for safe harbor"

True enough. The Endless Desert loomed in her mind's eye for a moment, before the girl's focus returned to the room and the two others. She laughed, gently, more to herself than the other two. "And I don't know about eggs, Father, but I can agree with the intent. All that knowledge preserved here; knowledge dating back to the First Age..." The young traveller trailed off, lost in contemplation, before returning to the conversation with an emphatic nod and a mildly wary grin towards Shard. "I just hope we all make it in. I don't know what the test involves, or if I'll be up to it."