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Thread: OOTS #918 - The Discussion Thread

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Arad, Israel

    Default Re: OOTS #918 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    Too late (panel 8). Ironically, this was the position Blackwing - who V apologists like to say will serve as her conscience - was pushing.
    You're completely missing Blackwing's point. Blackwing argued that lying in a pit in a dungeon, stricken with depression, would not undo the serious harm that V's actions caused. Besides the mass murder V engaged in, V murdered the Draketooths, allowing actual villains like the Linear Guild, Team Tarquin, and of course Team Evil, free reign to saunter into the pyramid at their leisure. Blackwing was reminding V that she had a duty to set right at least part of the harm she'd caused, regardless of whether that would atone for the mass murder or not. Vaarsuvius recognized the sense in Blackwing's words and was ready to rejoin the Order, before a Mummy fell on her.
    Last edited by Sir_Leorik; 2013-09-12 at 07:51 PM.