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Thread: OOTS #918 - The Discussion Thread

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Arad, Israel

    Default Re: OOTS #918 - The Discussion Thread

    Regardless of what individual readers may desire, V is currently on an arc that involves atoning for making a deal with the IFCC directors and for casting Familicide. Whether she can actually achieve redemption is a separate concept from whether she is atoning for her sins. The fact that V acknowledges the magnitude of the wrong she did by casting Familicide in the first place is a major step, and it is one that Miko never took. As far as Miko was concerned, everything she did was righteous. V now realizes that indiscriminately murdering sentient creatures is wrong, whether they are Elves, Humans or Black Dragons. She is also now aware of the consequences of both casting Familicide and of her deal with the IFCC directors. Where she decides to go from here is a separate question. In the meantime, I look forward to her bursting forth from the sand or the rubble and blasting away with extreme prejudice at Tarquin's troops. V has been separated from the Order for seventy five strips, and I feel she deserves to play the part of the Cavalry.
    Last edited by Sir_Leorik; 2013-09-12 at 08:06 PM.