The second zombie collapses in an umoving heap upon its dead comrades. Even as Solomon stumbles back leaning against the wall, clutching a hand to his bleeding shoulder Ophelia moves forward and presses the wand against it - a wave of cool blue energy healing up the bite marks.

He glances down at the bite marks, "I hope these guys don't carry any disease, or I'm in trouble." He looks up the corridor where the rest of the zombies have retreated. "Is it a bad sign when the zombies pull back?"..

Darth looks up at the walls, the 30ft sheer rock wall glittering with a wet sheen of salt moisture... It doesn't look like a good idea and the trapdoor - massive wooden planks of wet driftwood doesn't look very flammable. And the grinding sound above does sound a lot like heavy rocks being dropped on top of it.

Instead the slight little thief sneaks forward until he can get a look at the main chamber - a slight amount of light barely illuminated by 2 corners and dim light from Ophelia and Solomon's magic. 4 remaining zombies stand in a loose semi-circle waiting for you... While at the back in the deep shadows a better dressed zombie stands, a cutlass in his hand and a glimmer of intelligence in his shiny red eyes....


they are waiting for you, and they have a clever sentient one