Name: Kasumi
Race: Human
Class: Bard 20
Alignment and Temperment: Lawful Good. Kasumi has a sugar sweet and congenial temperment, with just a hint of feigned vapidity to hide a secret rapier wit.
Age/Sex: 19/Female
Description: Kasumi stands around 5'8", with jet-black hair that is usually artistically formed into various complicated arrangements, and very expressive hazel eyes. Without her make up, she has moon-pale skin, but the white make-up she applies to her face when she is preforming or entertaining gives her an etherial look and causes her blood-red painted lips and shaded eyes to jump out stunningly. She is slight of build, and graceful on her feet, but there is a certain air of perkiness to her walk and talk that makes her...well, cute as a button. Though witty and conversationally nimble, just a gaze into her large achingly sincere eyes is enough to make most people believe she couldn't possibly have just insulted them. She wears a gorgeous blue and white kimono with a red and yellow obi, and is never without her red and white dancing fans, and her shamisen packed safely in a case.
Backstory Kasumi was born to be an entertainer. Her mother was a bard, her grandmother was a bard. Her aunts and sisters were bards. But, where all of her relatives had been content to stay home and tend to their customers at their teahouses, Kasumi wanted adventure and excitement and to see the world before settling down. Convinced that she could make a living keep those poor lonely adventurers company on their travels (and maybe catch the eye of some brave and daring knight), she set off against her mother's orders, followed soon after by men hired by her mother to bring her back...
Commong Knowledge: Katsumi is very obviously an entertainer and a bard. Her exotic looks normally indicate that she is from very far away indeed.