Welcome to the game!

It's been a long and trying process to get things to where they are. That is behind us now, so lets focus on the game.

Before we get started, I wanted to bring up a couple things. First is your character data. Recruitment threads expire in three months from their opening post. I would greatly appreciate if you would do a quick C&P of that info onto here.

Second is about Pyromancers. Is there anyone here unfamiliar with it and/or would want a tutorial?

The third also goes along the spirit of keeping things fast paced for a PbP game, and that's rolling for checks and saves. Personally, I've not been a fan of rolling for other people as I would rather let the player have that fun of doing that roll. In situations that require a group check, would anyone object if I went ahead and roll for everyone in order to keep the game moving along?

Lastly, is there anything people would like to bring up now before we get started?

Oh, that will on Saturday.