I once made a monster so unstable that all of its stats and abilities changed every turn. Unfortunately I lost the program that generated said stats and abilities.

As for what it's like in the Far Realms, that's a toughie. The Outer Planes all have a certain consistency to them, even the Abyss and Limbo; but the Far Realm has none of that at all. Physics, geometry, philosophy: none of those work there. Inch-long fetuses rain from the sky, spontaneously growing spider legs just before impact and scuttling away into the folds of your clothing. Your limbs suddenly catch fire, but the flames aren't flames, they're mile-long tentacles that light up your surroundings with the blackness they give off. Squares have three edges; triangles have eleven points, one edge, and fourteen thousand faces. Your leg informs you that it's intending to migrate to the back of your head, and then does so. Your visual memories are all cubist and blue. A slug walks past and tips its hat; without perspective, you can't tell whether it's a centimetre long and ten centimetres away, or a hundred kilometers long and a thousand away (or, for all you can tell, a hundred kilometers long and ten centimetres away). Distance is time and time is distance, when they exist at all. Singulars becomes plural and adjectival becomes noun. The Giant updates OOtS at 5:30 AM on a Monday.

Such is the madness of the Far Realm. Sorta.