Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
Anyhoo, I think the Tevinter Chantry is onto something. The key difference is one of heterodoxy; the Tevinter Divine interprets "Magic is to serve man, not rule over him" as "magic is to serve the common good" and so magecraft and study are encouraged and rewarded. I'm not thrilled about blood magic being an open secret there - too much potential for subversion of government - but the philosophy itself I find admirable enough.
What little information we have indicates that's mostly a buzzword to look good to foreigners. The magisters believe their magic gives them a right to treat people like objects, whether as human/elven livestock and labor, or as bloodbags for their spells. I'm of the opinion that even if Tevinter says magic should serve the common good, their version of the common good is good only for themselves and bad for people they deem their inferiors.