Quote Originally Posted by Candle Jack View Post
And they wouldn't be exploited if they joined the Circle. I don't see the problem here.
Would your response to someone running away from an oppressive regime because they stood againts it be "you wouldn't need to run if you didn't oppose the regime"?

Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
I'm willing to bet it's still less than the number of innocents that died in annulled Circles over the years.
And I'll say we don't know what Anders would do if he could nuke more than one Chantry. ;P

Quote Originally Posted by Dienekes View Post
So, I'm curious. Out of you guys, how many of you supported mages or templars in the final confrontation? Because I have a feeling the mage side is going to have more people, myself included.
Seeing how Meredith was shown not to be the most stable person, I predict the same thing (also joined the mages).

Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
Here's the one I voted for back on 51:
How about "Dragon Age III: The Thread Nobody was Expecting"

Anyhoo, I think the Tevinter Chantry is onto something. The key difference is one of heterodoxy; the Tevinter Divine interprets "Magic is to serve man, not rule over him" as "magic is to serve the common good" and so magecraft and study are encouraged and rewarded.
I completely agree.

I'm not thrilled about blood magic being an open secret there - too much potential for subversion of government
While being an open secret might be a bit too much, I think that completely banning blood magic also isn't the best solution - Legacy shows that it can be used to contain/protect things. It might turn out that at some point it simply will be needed.