Quote Originally Posted by Rebonack View Post

The cannon is indeed rifled and does indeed have the maker's stamp on it. It's a crest of a dragon and a lion standing in front of a shield. Probably nothing that would be recognized by the pony.

"Fascinating! I hear magical accidents account for near half the nice people who land here," Tim muses. "Less often folks just crash out of nowhere. The Nexus has a way of gobbling up folks it thinks are interesting!"

Bill rolls his eyes. "That's nonsense and you know it, Tim. The Nexus doesn't have a mind of its own. It's just unlucky happenstance or good fortune that anyone lands here, depending on their situation beforehand."

Beforehand? What a weird expression for a pony. Must have picked it up from the hobbits.

"Bill and I were born here. Third generation! Our ancestors came from Southshire in Mystara, of course. Nasty crazed wizard showed up one day and began banishing folk left and right! Most of them ended up in the Nexus, confused but otherwise fine!"

Count your ancestors lucky. I arrived here practically Exsanguinated. I still have the scar.