A woman with deep crimson hair and bright, mesmerizingly blue eyes watched the news broadcast with both curiosity and excitement. It wasn't that she enjoyed this oligarchy the Sith had, but rather, the money offered for the bounties. After her last target's death being a bit more messy than she had wanted, she had decided to take a break from the life of slaughter.

Perhaps she wasn't a perfect little princess but she had a reason for this life choice. To get stronger and get her vengeance.

Running a finger delicately along her lower visage, along the scars running down her full lips, she sighed. What happened to that little girl who always smiled... It was often a thought she pushed to the back of her mind. She had grown up. She was young, and naturally beautiful just like her mother. Those looks were but a ploy. In reality, she was a killer by trade. Fiex Raeth, once the daughter of a diplomat father and Echani mother.

"Stuck on a Luxury Liner with a Casino. Could be worse..."