The door is locked, and it takes Celiss five kicks to smash it off of its hinges with brawn backed by her ability to wrap arcane energy around her physical attacks. Celiss has an idea of attack for approaching internal rooms. With her knowledge of engineering its a good idea to let her go. Because of the rumbling noise of the furnace, she won't bother listening at doors.

The first room you enter is the reception area. Customers seeking custom glass jobs or looking for business opportunities to export glass meet with a representative here to arrange business. A 2W doors and 1N door.

The N door: Files. Several cabinets and shelves containing files and contracts with dozens of exporters and businesses from Magnimar, Korvosa, and other local towns fill this room. Thick glass window to N only.

Back to reception. First W door looks into a hallway. Second W door is a smaller office for more private meetings with important customers.

Y-ish hallway at the 1st W-D. Split to N is door. Main trunk to SW is double doors. Celiss takes the smaller door first, wanting to cut around a perimeter to take out any peripheral guards. This is the Loading Room, and Celiss quickly explains some of what you see. A wheelbarrow sits against a wall here, and shelves on the walls contain additional reagents to create different colors of glass (manganese for clear glass, cobalt for blue, and tin for white glass; untreated glass is green, while too much of any reagent makes black glass). A safe on the floor hangs open.

"Well, that's the first sign of big trouble right there."

There are a set of double doors to the E, which go to the outside. A door angled to north goes downstairs. "Wait on that. Let's investigate ground floor first."

Double doors to SW. "Having looked down from above, the heat obscured everything, but this should be about where the furnaces begin...."