Name: Guy
Race: Kobold
Class: Rogue
Alignment and Temprament: caotic/good
Age: 17
Height: 2'4
Weight: 35 lbs
Hair Color and Length: Bald
Eye colour: red
Weapons: dagger, short sword, short bow

Guy is a small minded little, backstabbing, Kobold. He is good aligned but prone to bad desicions.

Guy's Kobold tribe was vicously attacked and decimated by a non-descript elf warrior hero. (all humanoids look alike to guy) Guy called on the aid of Kozz a kobold barbarian and Rodd, the tribes ranger and 15 non-descript kobold warriors (ie. cannon fodder) and is determined to track this warrior and seek some back-stabby justice for the honour of his people.

Guy is also quite motivated by the prospect of earning money as these warriors are expensive to feed (and to buy drinks for).

Name: Kozz
Race: Kobold
Class: Barbarian
Alignment and Temprament: caotic/neutral
Age: 22
Height: 3' *HUGE for a Kobold*
Weight: 45 lbs
Hair Color and Length: Bald
Eye colour: red
Weapons: Club w. nail in it.

Guy's bodyguard

Name: Rodd
Race: Kobold
Class: Ranger
Alignment and Temprament: lawful/good
Age: 22
Height: 2'2
Weight: 35 lbs
Hair Color and Length: Bald
Eye colour: red
Weapons: short bow
Equipment: scrolls of healing

Role: Guys scout, healer, and conscience.

Fifteen Unnamed 0 level Kobold Warriors
Weapons: Short spears, shields, studded leather.
Discription: Exist to aid Guy, but are easily bribed, have no will, fort or reflex saves to speak of, and can be manipulated at will. (I expect the #'s to drop quickly)

[Common Knowledge]


[Ongoing Storyline]
Guy has just found his village in ruins, and is gathering his troops to find the elf that reportedly carried out this destruction.