Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
I'd be inclined to look into it to see if what you say is correct, but that would involve having to learn to navigate a new interface, and it took me ages to get used to Inkscape.
Eh, I think what Teddy said about it (can't remember if I've quoted him or not) about sums up how I feel about the programs. Plus, I'm not really going to be using it for much besides basic drawing and image-editing, and I found that inordinately difficult to do with inkscape. Perhaps if I had time to get properly used to the system, I'd see it differently, but my general disposition at the moment is to use what's easiest for the purpose I desire.

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
And yet, hear this quick convolution of logic. Vitamin D helps bones bind calcium. Calcium is a metal. Vitamin D therefore makes you more metal. Is this not desirable? It can be taken as pills, you need not annog your cave adaptation with the discomfort of sunlight.

I want a leather jacket. ;___; How long have you had yours?

Your inland seas? Normally I don't mind a little sophistry, but this is perilous! A little snow deal like this would set a precedent for corporate resource acquisition. And if Zodalicious got rich I doubt a little bird from the Prairies would ever get his taste. No, it doesn't wash at all! I'll be watching your communications with her, I promise.

Try my fire potion from the Sore Throat Remedies thread
It will expunge your cough as gently as the Mennonites were expunged from Red Russia
Perhaps, but I have two objections that, while not refuting your logic, are entirely supported by a practical view of things from my perspective. Firstly, I would protest that Iron is also a metal, and that any slight deficiency in calcium from an absence of vitamin D can be more than compensated for by eating more meat. Secondly, I detest pills and would rather take my chances with our local fusion reactor.

Er... hrm. I've had it for quite some time... several years, at least. I got it... when my aunt was still married to that one guy... the jacket used to belong to his son, but he was finished with it and gave it to me. It's quite worn now... I really should buy some leather polish and make it look black again.

The majority of the seas lies on the south side of the American/Canadian border; in fact, one sea lies entirely on my side of the geographical/political divide. To call it yours would be fallacious at best.

Nah, I can't afford to smoke. I don't really like how cigarettes smell, so I'd be smoking cigars, or from a pipe, and that stuff isn't cheap. (also, there's the whole health problems/addiction bit)

I'm lacking several of the ingredients, although I /do/ have cayenne powder, so perhaps that can make do...

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
Note, that you and Speedasaurus will be but first clients. The cigarette company or the motorcar that get an ad company on its feet. From there, I aim as high as I can throw this crazy snowball. Just think -- whiskey with lunch! Cigars in the office! Sexual harassment of young secretaries in close-fitting trousers! Let's party like it's 1959, by George!
Heh, snowball.


Quote Originally Posted by Taet View Post
I thought Kneenibble was too far west for that. Does the wind go from west to east over the middle of Canada?
It's only a couple hundred miles west (and slightly north); a trifle for weather patterns. Sure, there are closer bodies of water (on both American and Canadian soil) that likely have an effect on his local climate, but that doesn't prevent the inland seas from having their effect either.

Now, Zodi might be too far away, but that's mostly a matter of being too far north and west, in addition to having many large bodies of water that are much closer.

Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
Your mother managed to homeschool seven children? I am in awe.
I know a family that was homeschooled until the children were high-school age, and there were quite a lot of them as well... I don't remember exactly how many, though. The oldest son was a cool guy, though. I think he's a year or two younger than me. Spectacular guitar player.