A tone signals the arrival of another guest. It is Commander Sheridan herself, pushing along a lunch cart. There are five covered platters, all clearly labeled with their intended recipients. "Yo! Brought some food. I bet you're all starving after that simulation. I took a peek at your files and ordered your favorite meals from the cafeteria. It's not five star cuisine by any means, but it's edible." The Commander brings the cart before William and each of the pilots, delivering the corresponding platter. She comes to Layla last. "Layla, I'm sorry for what happened, and for what I'm about to do." She uncovers the Second Child's dish, which consists of some nutrient tablets, a water bottle, and a dehydrated slab of something trying to pass as cake. "The higher-ups decided that you weren't ready for real food yet. I know it doesn't look like much, but there's something in here that will help you feel full, and Dr. Cazada tells me that yours is the most nutritious of all the meals here, so it's not all bad."