Effervescent Valley

That works for me! Voranhin is quite cautious, and knows his activities are likely to attract people that want to interfere.

Voranhin has an amulet that prevents scrying, but it's mostly focussed towards magical scrying rather than the various sorts of technological scrying (cameras, microphones, etc). So he might turn up on the photographs, especially with an anti-magic baffle preventing its effects.

Voranhin opens the door for the apparant-man and the apparant-child with them after a short wait. As before, the cabin will decay the film or records of any images either takes of it, but slowly enough that it might not be immediately obvious, and it doesn't affect any copies made.

The wizard, Voranhin, is a man in his late fifties, wearing stiff robes the colour of old, dried blood. His hair is heavily greyed, but the original black still shows through, and his eyes are a piercing blue. His posture says the ornate walking stick he's holding is mostly for show. "Ah! You're here about the ad?" He smiles.

Voranhin's Laboratory

There's a ringing sound. "Oh, excuse me. It sounds like somebody else is at the hut." He walks over to the spot he telported in from, and disappears. Sasha is left in the dark, the only light coming from the green liquid in the blue-glowing bottle left just outside her cage.