There are precisely two reasons why I'm not looking forward to a Zombie outbreak scenario. I'm not worried about it, but I'm not looking forward to it. Here's why:

1-In a city, stores are going to be ransacked immediately for supplies. Now I like to think I have a good stockpile, but you never no how poorly prepared you are until something bad happens. However, there is one trick I will share with everyone.
The place that is most likely to still have food and the least likely to be ransacked thoroughly is... The Pet Store.
No seriously. Pet food is non-perishable (in cans or dry feed), if you look at the ingredients it has a lot of what you need. You wouldn't want to be on it long term, but in a pinch it is still better than starving to death, and probably better for you than beans and beef jerky.
Still, I'm not exactly looking forward to having my supplies run out and stopping to consider investigating the local pet store. That is definitely not something I would want to do.

2-Shooting zombies or people. I don't like hurting people. I'm sure I wouldn't want to hurt a bunch of zombies unless it was life or death. I'm still going to fight to survive, I just doubt that it's going to be something fun. Sure, maybe that one time I pick up a machine gun and mow down a pack of walkers will feel incredible, but I know I'll feel bad about it later.
And real people? Well, I want to shoot them even less. Honestly, in a zombie outbreak, I'm more afraid of running into real people and having to deal with the possibility of shooting someone, because they will shoot me for that can of beans that MIGHT be in my backpack. Sure, I'm willing to share, I'm willing to talk to people to solve problems. I'm reasonable. Disasters do things to people, make them unreasonable, make them unable to solve problems by talking things out. Some feel justified in shooting first and asking questions later.

So for those reason, my plan A is get out of town and head to places I know which are remote. If you live near a ski hill I recommend it, as very few people will think to go there. Logging roads are a good choice as well if you have the kind of vehicle that can handle it.
Plan B is stay in town, find a place that is high and quiet, but have a white flag raised high and clear.