This is the Metal Thread, right?

::checks thread title::

Okay, I've got a question. I like Megadeth. Also like Pantera and old Metallica. I don't care for Death/Black/Power, etc. I prefer Thrash, so I stick mostly with Megadeth when I'm in a Metal mood.

I've heard some songs on the radio recently from a band called Avenged Sevenfold. I've heard the name for years but never paid attention to it but some of the songs I've heard lately I'm getting a real Thrash vibe from parts of them. The two or three songs I've heard so far are pretty okay.

Question: In the vast knowledge of the esteemed regulars of the Metal Thread, do you think Avenged Sevenfold is a good Thrash metal band? If you were to recommend a CD to buy given my preferences stated above which one would it be?

Disclosure: The last two CD's I've bought were Bjork Volta and Funeral For a Friend Hours (though not necessarily bought the year they were released). I've always been a Bjork fan but the FFaF album was a stretch for me and I was pleasantly surprised, so I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised again, possibly with a new Avenged Sevenfold CD.