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Thread: Rob's Epic Level Campaign

  1. - Top - End - #185
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Making camp...

    Ok, so everyone catches up a bit. I think Christopher meant Nerull rather than Vecna (Nerull is truly Pelor's opposite, though Vecna is evil as well; Nerull is the evil deity while Vecna was a lich who ascended to godhood).

    Regardless, you make your way through the valley toward the base of the northeast mountain nearby. Apparently there was a camp laid out there, but it looks to have been abandoned months or even years ago. The tents and huts here are all but bare, barely even standing, though set in a position to withstand much if the harsh weather.

    Leena (no longer being played by me) kicks at the scraps around the fire places. Nothing noteworthy is here. Bear Ghost is able to recognize some tribal markings and charms scattered about, but they are of another nearby tribe. This was possibly a resting point for previous scouts or adventurers belonging to that tribe or even a small outpost.

    The face of the mountain, however, now that you are all near, has about half a dozen polar bear and large, white wolf (winter wolf) corpses scattered neatly around. The creatures are very much dead, though semi-preserved and even partially iced over due to the cold. There is something odd about them, though. It seems as if they have been completely consumed, though their bones and pelt remain cleanly intact (think a victim of a chupacabra).

    There is a cave entrance with neatly fashioned runes in a foreign tongue decorating the almost perfectly shaped, oval opening. You all hear the echo of a deep bellow, almost grunt-like, followed by the sound of someone or something shuffling about within. It is especially cold here, despite the area being better protected from the icy drafts.

    At this point the sun has gone down, limiting visibility, while the whistling wind continues to be interrupted from time to time by unknown beasts which continue to lurk out in the vast wilds.

    What do you all do?
    Last edited by DM7581; 2013-10-30 at 12:22 AM.