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Thread: Hat Fortress 2: Snappy Title Pending

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    Troll in the Playground
    Forbiddenwar's Avatar

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    May 2009

    Default Re: Hat Fortress 2: Snappy Title Pending

    I've decided to get out of Team Fortress 2, the collecting side at least, if not the full game, and so I will be liquidating much of my backpack, selling it for metal to buy keys and then sell keys on the market place.

    Here is the link to my backpack.

    What is NOT for sell:

    Halloween items - I have a full set up to 2012. Haunted quality where possible. I don't know yet whether to part with it. I might wait until next year, just before halloween and see if the price goes up further.

    Expensive items - Anything worth 5 keys or more. I may keep these or sell them directly on the marketplace

    Vintage Weapons - If I ever start playing again, I think I will want to use these.

    Dirty (AKA Uncraftables or Untradables) - Not worth the headache.

    What does that leave? A large number of unique hats for all classes. My complete set of stock Christmas weapons. Vintage Hats. Strange Weapons (including a maxed Natasha).

    For people in the Playground Steam group, prices are one scrap less than what is listed on the website. Just PM me here or on Steam, (or offer me a trade on the new fangled trading while offline option, just know that I'm not sure how it works.)
    Last edited by Forbiddenwar; 2013-11-05 at 05:44 AM.