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Thread: Rob's Epic Level Campaign

  1. - Top - End - #205
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Rob's Epic Level Campaign

    Dr Nimm starts of his morning right with coffee, whiskey, tobacco, and a snort of cocaine. He takes a deep breath of the fresh morning air and offers some to his friends.

    "Anyone want some? It really opens up the lungs in the morning. Most refreshing. I also have moonsilver, bard's tea, black orchid extract, zerk, elven brandy, dwarven mead..."

    With the pipe still in his mouth he then begins a series of elaborate stretches and exercises designed to increase circulation to his brain. He then sets to reviewing his notes, preparing elixirs and bombs and polishing his tools, while twitching and mumbling to himself or some imagined person.
    Last edited by Dr_Nimm; 2013-11-07 at 09:26 PM.