[Greif's Cafe]

Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"Well I'm a little rusty but I can pull off something decent, to the untrained eye,"
She winked and then stretched her neck muscles a little. "Our..my troupe tended to focus on flashy energetic dances."
Greif smirks knowingly. "The type of dances that are really fun to show off, huh?"

He chuckles a bit, before leaning back in his chair to get more comfortable. "Yeah, I'm not too much of a dancer. Other than the frumpy stuff like ballroom dancing and waltzing. Required knowledge if you're planning to attend fancy parties among griffon high society and nobility, which, in my line of work, was required. So..." He shrugs haplessly. "Had to learn how to cut a rug between flight drills, or else."