The two soldiers paused in their steps when they saw Branna approach.
"Look at tha' lad!" Snorted the stocky one, "It's a monkey wi' tits!"
The young thin soldier sniggered at the remark but was cut off when a dark blur leapt onto his companion, knocking the man over. The brutish soldier screamed as Mabh tore at his exposed neck and jugular and Branna could smell the odour of piss as the young man befouled himself. "W-what is that?!" He demanded, his left hand reaching a pouch on his pocket.

"Katria, it's me, Jarren." Katria turned to see a young half-elven man in the woven armour of the United Kiiskan Guard. He moved forward and swept the elf in an embrace. The last time Katria had seen Jarren was weeks before the occupation and back then, he was dressed in the simple clothes of an artist. He was always soft spoken but with the helmet covering his tousled dark hair, he was almost unrecognisable. "I..I heard about what happened to your parents." He said, as he freed her from the hug. "I'm so sorry. They said it was a mistake. It wasn't ever supposed to happen."

It was not difficult for Baku to fulfil his other needs. The scene was one of hedonistic chaos, where thralls, freed prisoners and cultists freely indulged in excesses among each other and themselves. It was some time later that a commotion erupted at the entrance of the chamber. Looking up, Baku could see Gulbeck Tosh forcing her way through the crowd grabbing around the neck of a thin man. She was six foot tall orc woman with braided brown hair and a pitted steel breastplate. She was probably in her late twenties and she was quite attractive with a fierce temperament. She had a red pin bearing Jagon’s sign on her left breast. The man on the other hand, was incredibly thin and pale, his black robes lending him a insect-like appearance.

"Lord Horgarth-" She started, averting her eyes from the wanton displays around her. "This one says he demands audience."

"You need to listen Warlord!" Wheezed the man, his eyes widening as he grabbed at Gulbeck's fingers. "O-otherwise, you're all going to d-die!"

The orc warlord cursed. "Third time this week, maggot. No, we're not interested. Throw him out. Baku, you deal with him."