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    Titan in the Playground
    TheAmishPirate's Avatar

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    Feb 2009

    Default Re: [FiM] Bridle Shores Commercial: Bits or Credit 3


    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "Hahah hey hey Garion..!"
    She called out to the giggling and laughing colt as she moved out of the way of his bounces and watched him.

    "I got an awesome idea that will be super duper fuuuun~"
    She said in a sing songy voice as she cantered over to the colt.
    Garion gasped and bounce-rolled his way over to Gear. "What what what what is iiiiiit?~" he sang-song in tune with her. Springing to his hooves he rapidly galloped in place on the springy floor. "What's the idea, Miss Gear? Tell me? Pleeeeeeease?" Gear found herself on the receiving end of a pair of wide, pleading, heart-melting foal eyes.

    [Grief's Cafe]

    Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
    "It's foolproof!...Though, actually, that never seems to stop us."

    "But if you're worried, we'll make extra sure we have an absolutely brilliant idea before we do anything!"

    You know... That's probably not half as comforting as it sounds. A cold wind may blow through the bar.
    A chill wind blew through the bar. An ill omen of dark times to come, when the hearts of ponies fail and Harmony lies shattered on the cold shores of chaos and uncertainty. A time of unleashed storm, rampant wild, and rebellious magic. Sandy covered himself in his wings, and shivered horribly.


    Outside the bar, a pair of colts casually slid shut the window they'd just accidentally bumped open, and trotted away with an innocent whistle.


    "I...think I need more root beer," Sandy said flatly, turning back to the bar. Some days, one root beer float wasn't enough to prepare a stallion for the troubles of this world.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2013-11-15 at 12:12 PM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.