[The Lime Room]

Riss gave Aequitus an odd look as she set the prototype armor on a work table. "...Why is that? Is there no form of prosthesis in your... I don't suppose you have much in the way of internal cybernetics, do you?" she asked as she began working on the leg as well. ...I really do need to make time to say hello to Charon again, now that I think of it. Actually, if the lore is right, then I could.. Wait, hold on girl. Focus on what's in front of you first.

A few other things aside from arms that shot and arms that grasped adorning the walls were models of apparently cybernetic neurons as well as what looked somewhat like a case to hold a spine and brain but was currently empty. Over all, strange decorations for a strange person. Still, at least by now she wasn't leaving the place completely devoid of any human existance.

Aequitus may spot a small, white hexagon that was about the size of a dinner plate scuttling around at this point. Of course, it was headed right to him so it was hard to miss, really. It seemed somewhat crablike in it's design although it appeared the small sensor array could raise up like a highly flexible periscope at will while an array of tools seemed to be incorporated on the side of each of four sticking out the top. It seemed to be chittering to itself for whatever reason as it observed the techno-paladin.