Name: Slartibartfast (try typing that 5 times fast!)
Race: Supposedly Human
Class: Ninja 7/Rogue 7/Bard 1 (No, I don't have the stats for the Ninja class. BUT I AM NINJA!)
Alignment: Chaotic Stealthy
Age: You think you can tell this guy's AGE? He wears all black and a Ninja mask 24/7! You can't tell his AGE! But from his hight he might be around 13, or a midget.
Height: A little over 5 feet.
Weight: Skinny. Maybe 75 pounds tops.
Hair: Completely hidden from view.
Eyes: It's a stick-figure comic, everybody's eyes are just little black circles.

Armaments: Two Katanas visible. May have odd concealed weaponry.
Armor: Is he wearing armor? You cannot tell what lies beneath the black.

Backstory: Nothing is known about this Ninja's past.

Flashy Description:
This black clothed...person stands about 5 feet tall and has two katanas in his belt. That is a belt, right? Not a snake? A snakeskin belt? Nevertheless He seems lethal if provoked and has an air of mystery that follows him like shadows. Or maybe those are real shadows following him around?

Common Knowledge: Slartibartfast is a devoted Banjo worshiper and has a tendency twords the dark side. But he fights in the holy name, of BANJO!!!

Interesting Notes: That's all the information gathered on Slartibartfast over his entire lifespan, as soon as his existence was noticed. His tendency to invisibly dissapear into shadows surprisingly halted the flow of data.