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Thread: Total War - Icon City (IC)

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Lost Demiurge's Avatar

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    Default Re: Total War - Icon City (IC)

    Gilgamesh in the Rustbelt
    Gilgamesh, Lazarus, Observers [PM]


    After the reporters leave, ICPD finally shows up, and starts collecting corpses. They seem surprised to be able to do so... A resigned looking beat cop gets a statement from Gilgamesh. He doen't seem to like the Watchmen at all, and he is not too impressed by the bandanna on Gilgamesh's head.

    But there is no trouble. "Well. It's clearly self-defense, even if you did get up in their grill. I'm more worried about what's going to happen to the rest of the district. Hope you're half the hero the reporters are pumping you up to be."

    Shortly afterward, Lazarus' team arrives, and takes a couple of vials from Gilgamesh.


    The police are currently loading the bodies up for transport to the morgue. However, there's plenty of cover, and they're distracted. You could TRY to snitch a body without being caught, if you so chose.

    The head Watchman departs, leaving Singer to explain things. The ex-hells angel has a ten-pack-a-day voice, gravelly and rough.

    "Black Bloods around here mainly in two neighborhoods, Slumside an' Public Housing. They got maybe [4 followers] in each 'hood."

    "They got Westmarket right west of here though, no tellin' how many in there."

    "We mainly in Slumside and Shanty Towns. Like I said, [5 followers] total. More in Shanty Towns, thass where the crib is. Got our bidness over there, can't lose it or we're done in the 'Stones. Slumside, we can give it if we have to. Only a few houses and apartments there."

    He digs out a scattergun and hands it to Gilgamesh. "Most our boys got pistols and knives. Couple shotguns. We got some cars, couple hogs. What? No, not critters, motorcycles."

    "They got MORE. More guns, more people, more cars, few trucks... And they use that black tar @#%#@%. Gotta kill 'em twice over to stop'em if they juice."

    "And word is they got other stuff. Boss is some kind of power, no one knows what. Scary #%#!%."

    "Oh, and you maybe should know, Vorpal's outta here. We were hoping she'd mop up Slumside, but heroes chased her, and someone shot her 'fore she escaped."

    "Heroes didn't stick around, though word is Knight of Blades still got some guys pokin' around somewheres."

    Sage Tol'Grim

    Ah, the secret sub-electron encryption of the Deep Trolls! That would be AWESOME... If he had the schematic on hand to make one. That might be something useful to research later.

    But he can certainly spend some time to set up more protection for his network, and he does so easily. He is pretty sure that no one's going to break through without some major work.

    West Wing, Pyre Manor...
    Sharon Deckhart, Golden Flock [PM]


    ''Ms. Deckhard. As a gentlebird I simply can’t allow you to walk into danger.'' Eduard perches on a large palm plant, in a small side room on the way to the main hall, as he speaks. ‘’It’s just too dangerous and I wouldn’t forgive myself, if something were to happen to you.’’ He gives no outward sign, but behind Sharon, Bongo makes his move. He expertly grabs her and in a single leap reaches a nearby bathroom door... At which point, she manages to grab hold of the doorframe and find the weakness in his hold on her, slipping free and kicking him in the face as she does so.

    Sharon scrabbles backward as Bongo shakes his head and reorients himself, and she comes up holding her pepperspray.

    Golden Flock
    Internal [PM]


    ::Stares at his dice::


    to Golden Flock [PM]


    After some banter, you settle on a price of [2 cash.] Wiring it to the bank account given, you talk with her some more, and she divulges what she knows.

    to Merlin [e]


    All right, remind us then. We'll make a note, but the City is busy right now.

    Internal [PM]


    Your researchers start looking into the topics, working hard, making calls, calling in favors, and checking manuscripts from the Library.

    The research on the Children of Yig is going to take a while, no way around it.

    Research on the "Harbingers" brings immediate results.

    There is no group called the Harbingers. However, there IS a group called the Heralds, that has arisen recently. Their leader, Father Figure, claims visions of the apocalypse, and preaches on the streets of Grand Central Avenue. He's evidently a hell of an orator, and his spiel of great beasts who will rise to crush this world is drawing in the doomsayers and apocalypse junkies.

    Father Figure was just another homeless crazy, up until a week or two ago. After Y2K he started preaching, and folks started listening. He's using his position to reap a few benefits, getting money and favors from the faithful he draws in. Though he seems sincere in his beliefs, he's also enjoying the perks of being a cult leader.

    The Heralds have no real magic capability, or advanced tech capability. They're just a bunch of true believers, some of them quite crazy.

    Crossroads Club
    Order of the Hand and Eye [P]


    "Oh yes, that fellow, Mister... Mister... Huh. For some reason I can't quite recall his name. Yes, we spoke and I showed him around. He left afterwards, and I believe his wife picked him up in the parking lot. That's the last I saw of him."

    (That particular agent is unmarried.)

    Garren Gomar
    Spelunking [PM]


    As Garren is talking to the museum staff, he notices that he seems to be holding a hastily scribbled note. He wasn't a second ago.


    Ask about the golden serpent statue. It contains (or is) a tulpa, and was probably what they were after. I'm afraid I may not be able to help further beyond this point, so good luck.


    to Trifecta [E]


    Hell, come on down! Bring whoever you want, we don't mind. Anyone good with my man OP is good with me.

    Father Figure [PM]


    Sure, she can be a regular attendee. Easy enough to talk to the Father later in the turn.

    ((The Tenets of his faith are that the apocalypse is comin', ain't nothing we can do about it, so you might as well wrap up your earthly business and do what you like. He says that if you're REALLY lucky, and HIS faith holds strong, he might be able to help turn the great beasts away from a few people. If he does, and there's enough world to rebuild, well then lucky you, it's all yours!

    Of course, the Father needs to be around and in good shape when the beasts show. And gifts make him quite happy.))

    to Hardliners [E]


    Well, tell you what. Talk to our man OP (Gilgamesh,) he's runnin' the Watchmen in the 'Stones now. You cut a deal with him, we're cool with it.

    to Vorpal [E]


    Oh, my mistake. But I'm quite serious, the heroes are on the case now. Talk to the Knight of Blades if you want to help, maybe he'll cut you in.

    Internal [PM]


    Your techs are reasonably sure that Ann Droid's body isn't trapped. It might have been at one point, but it got banged up badly enough that anything like that has been disabled.

    They transport it back to your zeppelin, and the lab within. They estimate that if you simply use it as scrap, that'll be [6 points worth]. Scrap points can substitute for the cash cost on metal stuff on a 1 for 1 basis.

    You spend an action and use Belladonna to throw some fear into the yokel pushers...

    Fort Steyer
    Seedier Element
    to Hardliners [P]


    "Ah, @%@% man, didn't realize you were THOSE guys. Uh, tell you, tell you what... You can sell on our turf, we'll stay clear. Also tell us what you're pushin', and we'll sell other stuff. No-no need to fight, here..."

    Internal [PM]


    The police chief makes a few calls, and gets you that list of names. Turns out that the cops actually got to retrieve the bodies for once, so they can ID most of the perps. You call up their families, and though a few hang up when you mention their sons/daughter's names, a few listen. They're quite happy to pursue legal action against Gilgamesh, but don't know how to go about it.

    Temperance gets you information. Seems like a lot of high-quality gems have been turning up in pawn shops across the city, of late. Someone's been trying to get rid of them, but clearly has no idea how to go about it.

    Black Bloods
    to The Family [E]


    Pistols, shotguns, black tar to make us stronger. Plus a van full of nasty critters for mister @%##!^ Gilgamesh. There ain't many Watchmen in the stones, maybe [5 followers] at most. They got some guns but not many. Gilgamesh, we don't know. $@%@#er's strong, you seen him on the news.

    ((Yeah, they're gonna strike in Mid-turn 2))

    Internal [PM]


    Your databases... Don't have any more info than what they list. Someone with more knowledge of Icon City could tell you more about the gangs. And all you know about Gilgamesh is in the Heroes database or it isn't. You could always spend an action investigating to dig up more...

    The market's a bit slim right now, as far as weapons goes. Your dealers can get you [2 followers worth of pistols] for free, or [1 follower worth of shotguns] for 1 cash.

    to Sergei [P]

    "No charge? Vhat's the catch?"

    "Nein. Look, the Knight of Blades said he'd look into things. Don't want to throw too many people in the mix."

    "You really want some fun und make me smile, go send your boy killer out to kill Black Bloods. They'll be coming for Gilgamesh soon, easy to find. Shame to let beefcake like that die."

    Mordecai, Super-Pac [PM]


    The chief listens, and nods as he offers a compromise.

    "Hm. Well, we'll see how it goes. Alright, we'll accept that for now. We'll try that, see how it goes."

    She sighs, goes and looks out of the window. "I'll tell you this though, you'll want to keep lawyers around. If politics goes against magical types like you, you could find some serious lawsuits coming in concerning your product line. Even if you keep your nose clean others might not, and the public isn't always too good at telling who's a wicked witch and who's a good warlock."
    Last edited by Lost Demiurge; 2013-12-04 at 02:31 PM.
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