On that tumblr link about misandry:
Here's my feelings about it: [contains cartoon violence, strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)]

Okay, in more words now.
The feeling might be legitimate, but purposefully changing the definition of a word - a word made to describe a negative concept, at that - is silly. It's not even reclamation, it's confusing redefinition.
I could claim to be racist and say pretend I don't mean it to say I'm judging people according to their skin colour, that's not going to be okay. It's just hindering communication. It's not clever or brave or cute.
Also, misandry - following the actual definition of misandry - is still not great. No, it's not great setting a precedent of people who are acceptable targets because of an organ they happen to be born with. Plus, there are many women who are misogynist jerks and contribute to the oppression of their peers, and the fact they have or want to have a vagina doesn't make it better, either. Some of my best friends relatives are misogynistic women! Sure would be easier if all men, and only men, were privileged misogynistic jerks, but life's more complicated than that.

@Zorg: I feel I must apologize here for some of my discourse here. I've complained a lot about make-up and dresses, and may not have made it clear that what sucks about them is having to wear them. Someone likes it, great. You like being stereotypically girly? Go ahead, that's awesome, you'll rock the style better than I do and enjoy it and that's what matters. Different strokes for different people. I just don't want to be restricted from life choices that have nothing to do with fashion or aesthetics because I'm not femme.