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Thread: LGBTAitp #46: I cast Prismatic Hugs!

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: LGBTAitp #46: I cast Prismatic Hugs!

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Probably asking an idiotic question, but I don't care: was this just normal hair-killing-laser stuff, preparation to make your body reflect your gender or something else?
    Also, was it expensive? Did it take a long time? *is contemplating things*
    Getting rid of facial hair, it's a big source of dysphoria for me. (I'm a trans woman.) I get mine done at the hospital, which is cheaper and handled better than in a random beauty salon, but I'm still paying 125 euros. (I would imagine not having a full face of facial hair to get rid of would make it quite a bit cheaper though.) The session itself took about 30 minutes, but that's with preparation and aftercare, so maybe 15 minutes for the lasering itself? Amount of sessions is usually 6-8 I've been told, though it varies of course.
    Last edited by Astrella; 2013-12-10 at 12:41 PM.
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