Quote Originally Posted by razovor View Post
Can I have some hugs? I'm getting gender dysphoria a lot more often than usual, and now I seem to be getting depressed. I'm getting bouts of hopelessness, and boredom, and I don't seem to have any appetite. I'm dizzy, but that only seems to be when I lie down, so I think it's unrelated.

Dysphoria isn't fun, especially not when it messes with other things too. I hope it passes soon.

Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
I hear you there. I have facial hair due to PCOS and it's a pain and kind of gross because I don't like how it looks on me. Granted it's not the same thing, but if I don't like my facial hair I can't imagine what it would be like for a trans woman.
Still, you're getting lazored and I assume the pain is worth it in the long run; and I get Vaniqua, which kind of works. Still, might look into getting laser treatment anyway. There's a palce nearby that does massive discounts after Christmas.
The pain isn't that bad if you use a numbing cream, and it's mostly just the repeatedness of it that gets a bit much. Hope you get good results from laser if you decide to go for it.