Quote Originally Posted by razovor View Post
Can I have some hugs? I'm getting gender dysphoria a lot more often than usual, and now I seem to be getting depressed. I'm getting bouts of hopelessness, and boredom, and I don't seem to have any appetite. I'm dizzy, but that only seems to be when I lie down, so I think it's unrelated.

Stay strong. This is tough, but cherubs you are tougher. Right?

Spoiler: Dysphoria
It sucks, but there are things you can do to alleviate the suckiness. I have an anti-dysphoria hat, for example. Why a hat? God knows. But it's a hat that takes away the pain. Because I look pretty cool in the hat.

Just find something that makes you happy, and it might help. Playing Tetris is also recommended, because you're too busy being peed off by the stupid blocks not lining up properly to care about who you are at the moment, and by the end you'll have forgotten why you were originally upset in the first place. And you'll have a cool hat.

Also, spell check did not think "Dysphoria" was a word. Recommended "Phosphorous." I told it off.

Hope my ramblings cheer you up, at least.