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    Ettin in the Playground
    Theoboldi's Avatar

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    Mar 2011

    Default Re: My Little Pony LXXIV: Hats Are Technology!

    Spoiler: Power Ponies Thoughts
    On rethinking this, I find it strange that Spike and the mane six got just teleported out of that comic directly after they had defeated Mane-iac. From what I understand, they were supposed to play out the ending of the comic, but the whole thing just ended without a real resolution. Is it like in the golden age, where the ending is handled in two panels? Did the ending appear inside the comicbook, but we just didn't see that?

    The in-universe logic of this confuses me.

    Also, I feel very guilty for laughing at this.
    Spoiler: Not related to Season 4.

    Where did their horns go, by the way?
    Last edited by Theoboldi; 2013-12-21 at 10:31 PM.
    Always look for white text. Always.
    That's how you do it! Have a cookie!
    Quote Originally Posted by ezekielraiden View Post
    You don't win people over by beating them with facts until they surrender; at best all you've got is a conversion under duress, and at worst you've actively made an enemy of your position.

    You don't convince by proving someone wrong. You convince by showing them a better way to be right. The difference may seem subtle or semantic, but I assure you it matters a lot.