
A yawn a muffles curse are Brin's initial response when Sirus shakes her shoulder. Is that the life of a hero? Partying all night and being roused at dawn? She wonders, not really caring that's obviously nearer to noon than sunup. Maybe I'll pass.

But it's too late to go back to sleep, not with the Sheriff jawing about the latest 'situation'. It may be a hassle, but at least it's an interesting hassle.

She feigns sleep until the others retreat to Setsuna's room, then, after waiting a few moments for them to settle in, she heads upstairs herself. The Rusty Dragon was well built, but probably not sound proof. Hopefully she'd be able to catch most of the conversation from the hall. And if she was noticed, she could just say that she was going to retrieve her bow and morningstar from her room. If she still had a room.

I should really see about paying at some point. She scolds herself, as she kneels down outside Setsuna's door to 're-tie her boot laces.'