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Thread: Cormyr - The Tearing of the Wave

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Cormyr - The Tearing of the Wave

    Ryx growls as each of his attacks miss the demonic looking man and he takes another blast of magical energy. The elven mercenary levels his eyes on the warlock, almost admiring the black armor as it deflects his blows, he glance down at the useless mace, then back to the crimson colored face of his foe, "I'm going to kill you, have no doubt, but before I do, do tell, who is this Despayr?"

    "After I kill you, I'm going to take that pretty little decorative toy of yours, but I'm also going to take that armor, it looks to good for a wretch like you." Ryx steps in and slashes out with organripper and thrusts straight towards this creatures chest.


    HP: 36/52
    AC: 23 vs Z, 21 vs all others

    Free action: 5' step to M20
    Full round action: all attacks with short sword and dagger

    1st Attack with dagger
    Attack: (1d20+10)[21] includes +1 bless
    Damage: (1d4+5)[7]

    Attack with short sword
    Attack: (1d20+9)[16] includes +1 bless
    Damage: (1d6+3)[5]

    2nd Attack with dagger
    Attack: (1d20+5)[17] includes +1 bless
    Damage: (1d4+5)[7]
    Last edited by puffmagicdragon; 2014-01-09 at 03:43 PM.