Lucas returns the grasp in kind, and asks for the Innkeeper's name. At the offer of the letter, Lucas looks surprised and confused, but tears open the envelope, and his bushy brows raise in surprise. He follows the man in, looking around at the layout and nods approvingly. Not a man of frivolity. A man after my own heart, he thinks to himself.

As Lucas seats himself, his primary questions for the barkeep leave him as he listens to the exchange between him and the man and the polearm. Stranger and stranger. Still, he won't pass up anything to his advantage. A free meal, and a possible job, a free room? Better and better, with heaps of better to boot. It seemed to him that Aeribrar was sending one of his lovely pushes in the right direction. What would come of it, Lucas would see.

With his right hand, Lucas takes the tankard and sniffs it gently to see what kind it might be, and listens silently to the others as they exchange information until their gazes fall upon him.