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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Gem_Knight's Avatar

    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    A Soul Sucking Small Town

    Default Re: Armas vs Iria Aurora Nova (The Crowd Calls for Blood)

    Spoiler: OOC
    Meh, guess it's only useful for horizontal movement then.

    Iria frowns at her own nonplussed performance, so much for making things easy. She shrugs her shoulders and pushes with her wings flying straight up into the sky.

    Spoiler: actions *Edited

    double move; flying up and forward at a 60 degree angle 15 feet up, 10 feet forward repeated twice so that I'm 30ft up on G14

    Spoiler: GM/Private Note

    Consecutive Rounds spent flying: 1
    Total Rounds spent flying: 1

    Active Stance: Stance of Clarity: +2 AC vs. Declared Target, -2 AC v. all others {Target: Armas} AC v. Armas: 21
    Manuvers: [x]Used/Ready[]
    [x]Sudden Leap
    [] Moment of Perfect Clarity
    [] Mountain Hammer Strike
    [] Iron Heart Surge

    Spoiler: Edit PS

    I've Decided, Flight Maneuverability Rules might almost me as complex as actual flight xD kidding of course; so... multiple revisions but I think I've got a valid move now... Very Sorry for much confusion, usually if I used a flying creature I was DMing and strafing, except for one game in which I beat an overpowered demon with a pair of Ray of Stupidity-s while flying and trying to stay out of reach...
    Last edited by Gem_Knight; 2014-01-16 at 04:53 AM.
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    Update 9/13/2015- My second Baby Boy
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