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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE! A Community World-Building Tale of People & Discovery

    Quote Originally Posted by Arutha View Post
    @ Rain Dragon: fisherworks, aka exploding fish. and i need food, so if i get my hands on blood fire, we could work out some deal
    If you're going to be using the bloodfire then I doubt there's enough for you to pass on. Nevertheless, you have coal... Fish for coal would be great.

    Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
    Hey, man, we live in a freaking desert/tundra/icy wasteland. I'm sure food would work just fine.

    Oh? What are the others? After all, not all trade needs to be commodity for commodity. If you have ideas you wish to work on, those are valuable too.
    Your immediate neighbours happen to be exporting quite a bit of food.

    Well this is true, but what was summoned to mind was several ways assimilating Bloodfire into the body could fail spectacularly. Were I to gain access to Bloodfire, unfortunately I would be boring and attempt to find a way to use it to light fires reliably enough to have hotter forges, as it sounds like it burns hotter than coal. We are only in the early medieval era, so one step at a time before crazy innovation comes in.

    The people of Tekorva are currently fascinated with metals, so it only makes sense really.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    Try this FAQ on for size, folks!
    Awesome. I haven't finished snipping all of the questions it has answered, but there are some questions on your list that are pending. EDIT - By this I mean, I assume you have questions waiting to add already and have written the more important ones down first.

    Would it be worth writing down the Bloodfire Vs. coal and mithril Vs. iron thing?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
    Okay, so of the main Regions...
    Completed Regions that need a Poplation Generated:
    Tekorva (missing elements/see below)
    Other features missing from Nations (whether by Morph's error or your own...):
    Tekorva, by Rain Dragon - Religion
    I've finished with my post for now. Also including succession laws, which I believe Morph mentioned we get to choose...

    Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
    Hm, this means at least 8 people have put their +1 into Curiosity.
    I will never change my 5 Curiosity. Nevar!! It was there in the first place because this is how I role play 90% of the time. Even if Curiosity would not advance my civilization very far or cause it to be crushed underfoot by a war be it of swords or words I would still have chosen it to be 5.

    I feel that Curiosity has the most obvious immediate benefits. Though if Diplomacy were to affect trade for Bloodfire positively, how would that change things?

    Luck so far is a very mysterious stat and I look forward to seeing how 'lucky' I get. If I had another 4 I would've dumped it into luck because I really am curious to compare it to nations with 1 luck.

    Honestly though, if I were power-gaming I would've weighted the stats as they are at Diplomacy, Curiosity, Military, Faith, Luck. Diplomacy should prove invaluable in these Dark Ages (because that is where we are) to bring the people through these hardships. Furthermore, if by some stroke of genius one manages to grab another 3 regions early on, Diplomacy 5 allows you to combine them into a higher title. It has also been stated that this makes larger projects easier. You know, like crazy Bloodfire experiments, the Underway, etc. Also remembering that NPC regions have been mentioned. Wouldn't it be easier to make friends with them, trade for their stuff than have a mob of angry NPCs trample all over your new Mithril forge? EDIT - Shintouite shall not save you if you have accidentally called an NPC's mother an 'ogre' by mistake thanks to a Diplomacy score of 1...

    Just make sure you think through your game plan thoroughly before making a grab at shiny, shiny curiosity.
    It's so shiny right now. So shiny.

    (This is simply my opinion only and should be taken with more than just a grain of salt. It has been proven before that I am wrong quite often when it comes to any sort of game with hilarious results!)
    Last edited by Rain Dragon; 2014-01-16 at 08:02 PM.
    I go by they/them/their or he/him/his pronouns