Jack's Quarters.

Oh! was all she could say as Jack pulled her in for a hug. After just a moment, she pushed him back down, and smiled as another tear rolled down her cheek.

Jack. You gorram idiot. You have got to have the worst sense of timing of anyone I have ever known. Get some rest. I need to clean myself up before everyone gets back, and starts thinking bad of you again.

She stands up, and sets the sword aside. Now you get some rest. Doctor's orders. Damn, we didn't even get to the punchline of the story. You remember? When Henry looked up at us, and said, "Yeah, but who's gonna feed the cat?"

Get some sleep, Cap. It'll do a 'verse of good.

Sia turned and walked off down the deck, heading for the quarters she shared with Cole. She really did need to get cleaned up. Wouldn't do at all, If he came back and seen that she'd been crying again. Or drinking.

Or worse yet, doing both with the Captain.