Quote Originally Posted by Alejandro View Post
Why don't you ask the PCs to make this NPC? :)
Excellent idea from Alejandro!

Alternatively, here is a quick build guide for the one that I suggested

Spoiler: General McSamurai
Key feats/items: Blastsword (Unknown regions), Weapon proficiency (blastsword), double attack (blastsword), weapon finesse
Soldier 7: Devastating Attack (Blastsword), Melee Smash, Stunning Strike, Indomitable/Battle Analysis
Gladiator 3: Brutal Attack (Blastsword), Personal Vendetta
Officer 1: Grand Leader (Clone Wars Campaign Guide)
Elite Trooper 1: Armour Mastery (Ok, this is a talent belonging to the Imperial Knight from the Legacy era guide, but it should also be available to Elite Troopers)
Melee Duelist 1: Single Weapon Flourish
Officer 2: Recruit Enemy (Rebellion Era Campaign Guide)
Elite Trooper 2: Mandalorian Ferocity (KOTOR)

Alternatively you can switch some things around to gain multi-attack proficiency (exotic weapons) to make better use of single weapon flourish and Mandalorian ferocity.
The Personal Vendetta is because many Samurai challenge foes to fight them first, grand leader is (IMO) the best buff talent, Stunning Strike and Melee smash are solid talents for any close fighter, armour mastery is because samurai wear armour, devastating attack is to improve brutal attack, brutal attack is because samurai are great at cleaving opponents in half with one blow, recruit enemy is because this guy sounds like the kind to make his enemies his allies (and it gives you a reason to keep the PCs alive), single weapon flourish is to get more out of his sword (give him more options), and the blastsword is because blastswords are awesome, and the best melee damage bang for your buck. They are also so cool! What is more awesome than slashing someone and shooting them at the same time?

Hope this helps!