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Thread: [DSP/PF] Magic of Incarna Playtest Open

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: [DSP/PF] Magic of Incarna Playtest Open


    At a glance... Cha? Sort of fits them thematically, I guess.

    And if this is supposed to replace Totemist, I don't see it. A mere 2 veils which grant natural weapons?

    I'll have to take a closer look when I can.

    EDIT: Alright, I got to read some more. I'll go from the top down. Disorganized and all that.
    • Flavor: Neat. Binder + Incarnum.
    • Essence Capacity unchanged. I still disapprove, but no matter.
    • They get the feet bind first? I find that strange. A primarily melee class getting what you imagine would increase mobility (then again, I haven't read the veils yet, of course). Interesting. Bad, good, I dunno.
    • Not as much Improved Essence Capacity as Vizier. That's okay, they each have their shtick.
    • More fluff stuff. Okay, I'm confused about Daeva (not uniformly capitalized, btw). Seem sorta like... angels, except not necessarily good. So there are only three types? Or three types, each with two subtypes (like good wrath, bad wrath, etc.), and all, "Daeva have natures that seem almost dualistic but are really just manifestations of the same emotion taken to different extremes"? Like a wrath Daeva could be angry or not. I suppose it's not important mechanically, j/w.
    • Again, Charisma for the saves. And they're a melee class. M'kay...
    • You can only shape a certain number of Veils per day (see table below). The Veils granted at 1st, 4th, 12th, and 17th level must be selected from the list of Veils associated with your Passion. The Veils gained at 2nd, 6th, 9th, and 15th level can be selected from any marked as available to the Daevic class, but you cannot shape a Veil whose alignment opposes your own.
      Whoa. This means they don't know all their veils, unlike Vizier? That blows. Or my reading comprehension really sucks. It's the "gained" and "granted" that are throwing me off. Plus, in Vizier the text makes it crystal clear they know all of their veils.
      I think it's a neat idea, but at the same time, it sort of feels like unnecessary restrictions. Or perhaps they're so powerful they need some restrictions?
    • For alignment stuff, you say they're "usually" so-and-so alignment, but earlier you say their alignment is determined by their passion (sorry, I can't bring myself to capitalize that for religious reasons).
    • Typo: 8th level for Wrath. Incarna invested?
    • Not really a typo and I hate nitpicking about commas, but I'd insert one between "justice" and "none" in the 20th level ability for Wrath.
    • Overall impression of Wrath: Sweet abilities. Totemist was definitely missing something like this. A class feature worth maxing out, Essence-wise, and I imagine most every Wrath Daevic will.
    • Jumping down to Veils, Essence and Chakra Binds... what's with that Essence progression? Seems really weird. Looking at the table overall, it looks like they'll peter out in higher levels. Should be getting more power at those levels.
    • Jumping back to Desire, neat stuff here. Seems a little... well, the theme isn't as strong as it was with Wrath. Plus, competence bonus?
    • Dominion: Hmm, tanky Daevic. But bleh, competence again. The other abilities seem cool, but underwhelming for their levels. 17th and 20th in particular. Perma Blessing of Fervor is nice, but then again, that's a fourth level spell, and you get it at level 20.
    • He gains the ability to bind to slots in the following
      order: Hands, Wrists, Shoulders, Belt, Neck, Chest.
      Text v. table.
    • Looking back, they can bind to feet at level 1, but have no binds until level 4. ...?
    • Blood Bind: I like it, mostly. See my comment on Apotheosis, though.
    • Apotheosis: Love this word. Become an Outsider, yawn. Hour meditation to redo all veils, neat. Access to body slot... got that 8 levels ago with Blood Bind, albeit with damage.
    • Again... that progression.
    • Armory of the Conqueror: I've always had a thing for summoning weapons. It's nice to see size increases for Essence rather than the boring +1 attack and damage. The Hands bind seems kind of weak.
    • Bloody Shroud: I just realized this ability makes you *worse* at fighting stuff immune to bleed damage.
    • I see some Con going on in these Veils. MADness!
    • Daevic Aspect: The Wrath one seems out of place.
    • Embrace of the Old Ones: Ah-ha! More natural attacks (presumably; they're not stated as such).
    • Missed the Succubus one under Blood in the table on p. 10.
    • Spiked Pauldron's: Ha, I like these a lot. The text is confusing, "to grappling creatures to all creatures ..." Not sure I'd ever use that ability, but it's a nice mental image.
    • Extra Essence: Prereq of lvl 6 seems totally random (other than is surviving from MoI).

    Just my 2cp. I still need to do a more thorough reading.
    Last edited by danzibr; 2014-01-26 at 10:14 PM.
    My one and only handbook: My Totemist Handbook
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    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
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