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    Ettin in the Playground
    TheWombatOfDoom's Avatar

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    Default Re: EMPIRE! A Community World-Building Tale of People & Discovery

    Quote Originally Posted by ImperatorV View Post
    Basilisk does make more sense as a reassure than just the venom. Might ask Morph about changing that.

    As to the assassins, there are a LOT of people here, and quite frankly I don't trust anybody except maybe chief and Zabbarot, and you of course Wombat.

    Plus, the whole "this guy is a shady character" thing from the other guests, while unintentional, is friggin' hilarious. I might play it up a bit just for lulz.
    Nod nod, I thought so too. Was mentioning it to him. Your resource is kind of like mine with clay, can't have clay objects and venom without clay or basilisks. So, while we both have a resource, we make something else out of it before we sell it. If that's the case, I'll list it as Basilisk (Venom).

    That's true. And Lyradis is pleased that you decided to come! It is funny. It's like that kid at the party no one knows, but everyone is talking about because he's mysterious...

    Quote Originally Posted by Logic View Post
    We should make sure Wombat gets the title of "Assistant DM."
    Hahaha, I'm just trying to make some sort of order so Morph isn't flooded with questions when he returns. Especially since he's attempting to let it run itself eventually, anywho.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elemental View Post
    It still is kind of rare and valuable still. After all, there's no guarantee that those regions have gold in such abundance that people are always tripping over it. It's just that silver ended up being less common.

    Kill them with kindness, isn't that what they say?
    HA! Just saw all the gifts you're bringing! Wowie!
    Last edited by TheWombatOfDoom; 2014-01-28 at 07:23 AM.
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