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    Ettin in the Playground
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    May 2012

    Default Re: EMPIRE! A Community World-Building Tale of People & Discovery

    Alliances Table

    {table=head] # |
    Region Name
    01 | Gunung | Chacmon |
    • The Grand Coalition
    02[div](above)[/div] | Celero | Logic |
    • Friendship Treaty of Barsa
    • Celero/Guilder Treaty
    • The Grand Coalition
    02[div](below)[/div] | Bereginia | Earl of Purple |
    • Friendship Treaty of Barsa
    03 | Nyroth | moossabi | - |
    04 | Kasumor | WaylanderX |
    • Treaty of Wind and Stone
    • The Grand Coalition
    05[div](above)[/div] | The Heartwaste | C'nor | -
    05[div](below)[/div] | Eyrecradia | Arkhosia |
    • Eyrecradia/Woodwind Agreement
    06 | Woodwind | QuintonBeck |
    • Treaty of Wind and Stone
    • Eyrecradia/Woodwind Agreement
    • The Grand Coalition
    07 | Calorum | Chief |
    • Calorum/Genivana/Tuor Treaty
    • The Grand Coalition
    08 | Aloren | Thunderfist12 | -
    09 | Genivana | zabbarot |
    • Calorum/Genivana/Tuor Treaty
    10 | Hrathan-Tuor | ImperatorV |
    • Calorum/Genivana/Tuor Treaty
    11 | - | - | - |
    12 | Qarimos | avr |
    • Sympol-Qarimos Treaty
    • Qarimos-Domhan Treaty
    13[div](above)[/div] | Lyradis | TheWombatOfDoom |
    • Disian Alliance
    • Lyradis/Tekorva Treaty
    13[div](below)[/div] | Razdis | Silverbit |
    • Disian Alliance
    • Silver Pact
    • Razdis-Domhan Treaty
    14 | Guilder | SamBurke |
    • Celero/Guilder Treaty
    • The Grand Coalition
    • Bloodied Coin Treaty
    15 | Keldagrim | Silver Ablaze |
    • Silver Pact
    • The Grand Coalition
    16 | Pryonia | Arutha |
    • Pyronia-Sympol Treaty
    • The Grand Coalition
    • Pyronia/Tekorva Treaty
    17 | Tekorva | Rain Dragon |
    • Lyradis/Tekorva Treaty
    • Pyronia/Tekorva Treaty
    18 | Sympolemou | Tychris1 |
    • Sympol-Qarimos Treaty
    • Pyronia-Sympol Treaty
    • Domhan-Sympol Treaty
    • Bloodied Coin Treaty
    19 | Domhan Abhaile | THEChanger |
    • Domhan-Sympol Treaty
    • Qarimos-Domhan Treaty
    • Razdis-Domhan Treaty
    20 | Bordeux | Lord_Burch |
    • Union of the North
    21 | Sulvan Primarchy | Percy |
    • Union of the North
    • Silver Pact
    22 | Ashenia | Elemental |
    • Union of the North
    23 | Crima | BladeofObliviom |
    • Union of the North
    24 | - | - | -
    25 | The Jeweled Cities | lt_murgen | -
    26 | - | - | -


    Bloodied Coin Treaty:
    Participants: Sympolemou and Guilder
    Treaty is a Peace/War treaty of mutual defense and aid in times of need. It's being formalized through the betrothal of Snikk to Jehred.


    Calorum/Genivana/Tuor Treaty:
    Participants: Calorum, Genivana, and Hrathan-Tuor Treaty
    Treaty dictates all nations involved maintain open borders and a mutual military defense between each other.


    Celero/Guilder Treaty:
    Participants: Celero and Guilder


    Disian Alliance:
    Participants: Lyradis and Razdis
    Alliance is one of mutual defence and trade, and is a long standing one, and the current trade is Lyradisian Crops for Razdissi Stone. Races and peoples from both countries have intermarried some, and have a positive view of each other. Trade tunnels from the Highlands of Lyradis to the Caverns of Razdis have been errected, and both countries have assisted each other with Great Projects in the past.


    Domhan/Sympol Treaty:
    Participants: Domhan Abhaile and Sympolemou


    Eyrecradia/Woodwind Agreement:
    Participants: Eyrecradia and Woodwind
    A trade agreement of Woodwind Timber for Eyrecradian Platinum.


    Friendship Treaty of Barsa:
    Participants: Bereginia and Celero


    Grand Coalition:
    Participants: Kasumor, Woodwind, Gunung, Celero, Guilder, Pryonia, Calorum, Keldagrim
    Alliance is a united military alliance in both offensive and defensive capacities and bound together by inter-alliance trade and cultural exchange.

    Public Charter:
    • Pact of mutual military defense: All signatory nations are military allies in defense.
    • Pact of mutual non-interference: Unless agreed upon beforehand no signatory nation may interfere with the religious and other internal affairs of any other signatory nation.
    • Trading agreements: For mutual prosperity members of the Grand Coalition have extensive trading agreements.

    Joining the Grand Coalition:
    If a prospecting Nation wises to become a signatory nation of the Coalition it needs to meet 3 criteria;
    1. The prospecting nation must agree to all grand Coalition arraignments and pacts.
    2. The prospecting nation must have or make a trade agreement with at least 1 signatory nation.
    3. The prospecting nation must have its application approved by all or a majority of the signatory nations.

    In case of non unanimous but majority approval the prospecting nation gains Junior signatory nation status, gaining all benefits of membership excepting a vote in Coalition decisions.
    Junior signatory nations may apply for Signatory nation status once for every 5 years of membership. This requires unanimous approval by all current Signatory Nations.
    • In case of half-1 choosing to directly oppose an applicant nation's admittance the nation will be denied admittance of even Junior Nation status.


    Lyradis/Tekorva Treaty:
    Participants: Lyradis and Tekorva


    Pyronia/Sympol Treaty:
    Participants:Pyronia and Sympolemou


    Pyronia/Tekorva Treaty:
    Participants: Pyronia and Tekorva


    Qarimos/Domhan Treaty:
    Participants: Qarimos and Domhan Abhaile


    Razdis/Domhan Treaty:
    Participants: Razdis and Domhan Abhaile


    Silver Pact:
    Participants: Razdis, Keldagrim and Sulvan's Fury


    Sympol/Qarimos Treaty:
    Participants: Sympolemou and Qarimos


    Treaty of Wind and Stone:
    Participants: Woodwind and Kasumor
    Treaty is an agreement of mutual defense, agreement of united military, and an agreement of trade of Woodwind boar Meat for Kasumorian Giant Insects.


    Union of the North:
    Participants: Bordeux, Ashenia, Sulvan's Fury, and Crima.
    The Union is a pact of non-aggression and defense between our four countries. In addition, it is a trade agreement where we all agree to send to each other our resources. For example, Percy agrees to send all of us his three extra shares of mithril.
    Last edited by TheWombatOfDoom; 2014-02-06 at 02:20 PM.
    Scientific Name: Wombous apocolypticus | Diet: Apocolypse Pie | Cuddly: Yes

    World Building Projects:
    : The Stuff of Sentience | Fate: The Fabric of Physics | Luck: The Basis of Biology

    Order of the Stick Projects:
    Annotation of the Comic | Magic Compendium of the Comic | Transcription of the Comic
    Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?
    Extended Signature | My DeviantArt | Majora's Mask Point Race
    (you can't take the sky from me)