Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
[West Gate]

What fortunate timing. Shell Shock flinched as a piece of metal from the gate sailed right in front of him just as he was about to turn the corner.

"Oi! Don't you know these things can maim somepony?" he called out cheerfully to the defenders as he peeped around, raising a hoof to stop Flash Bang from progressing further once she caught up with him. "Now who's tryin' to ram the gates down?"

(I leave it to whoever to answer. I believe there's quite a number of characters at the gates.)
Flash Bang skitted to a stop when Shell Shock called out, coming just short of his hoof to slow her, ears twitching this way and that excitedly. She scuffed the ground impatiently. "We goin'na stand around here all day then?"