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    Bugbear in the Playground
    WaylanderX's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2011
    Place of Utter Chaos

    Default Re: EMPIRE! A Community World-Building Tale of People & Discovery

    Table of Populations and Militairy Forces
    Le Big Table!

    Last updated Round: 2

    {table=head] # |
    Region Name
    Maximum Army Size
    # Army (Ground)
    # Naval (Water)
    # Aerial (Air)
    01 | Gunung | Chacmon | Gunung Aitah I | 29.000 | 9000 | 2000 | | 1000 |
    02[div](above)[/div] | Celero | Logic | King Andust the Bold | 25.000 | 8000 | 1000 | | |
    02[div](below)[/div] | Bereginia | Earl of Purple | Krolowa Wladiljuda | 24.000 | 8000 | 2000 | | |
    03 | Nyroth | moossabi | Cavindra Lilin | 37.000 | 12.000| | | |
    04 | Kasumor | WaylanderX | Shïnguard Marius Earthguard | 36.000 | 12.000| 1000 | | 1000 |
    05[div](above)[/div] | The Heartwaste | C'nor | Katara Varinel, Queen of the Heartwaste | 18.000 | 6000| | | |
    05[div](below)[/div] | Eyrecradia | Arkhosia | Arkho'sarra | 35.000 | 11.000 | 1000 | | |
    06 | Woodwind | QuintonBeck | Khan Dyamus Ignato | 37.000 | 12.000 | 6000 | | | |
    07 | Calorum | Chief | High Priest Combulei Divinorum | 38.000 | 12.000 | 1000 | | |
    08 | Aloren | Thunderfist12 | Malyn Shaeldtae | 35.000 | 11.000 | 1000 | | |
    09 | Genivana | zabbarot | King Mosi Nia-Rohana II | 30.000 | 10.000| | 1000 | |
    10 | Hrathan-Tuor | ImperatorV | High Guildmaster Loki Ethmorl | 33.000 | 11.000 | 1000 | | |
    11 | | | | | | | | |
    12 | Qarimos | avr | Prince Akali of the People of the Sea | 37.000 | 12.000 | | 1000 | |
    13[div](above)[/div] | Lyradis | TheWombatOfDoom | Lord Gareth Serendel | 21.000 | 7000 | 1000 | | |
    13[div](below)[/div] | Razdis | Silverbit | Mormaer Razkai | 13.000 | 4000 | 2000 | | |
    14 | Guilder | SamBurke | Tumberink, Doge of Guilder | 29.000 | 9000 | 1000 | 1000 | |
    15 | Keldagrim | Silver Ablaze | High King Feldin Grimhammer | 29.000 | 9000 | | |
    16 | Pryonia | Arutha | Herzog Cardion | 23.000 | 7000 | 2000| | |
    17 | Tekorva | Rain Dragon | Elder Jaten | 22.000 | 7000| | | |
    18 | Sympolemou | Tychris1 | Duke Bloodfang Van Troven | 39.000 | 13.000 | 4000 | | |
    19 | Domhan Abhaile | THEChanger | Naomh Fionn Sheenan | 30.000 | 10.000 | 1000 | | |
    20 | Bordeux | Lord_Burch | Lord David Bordeux | 34.000 | 11.000 | 3000 | | |
    21 | Sulvan Primarchy | Percy | Primarch Hindal Greybeard | 23.000 | 7000 | 2000 | | |
    22 | Ashenia | Elemental | Hazael Toranath II | 34.000 | 11.000 | 2000 | | |
    23 | Crima | BladeofObliviom | High Chieftain Umajin | 26.000 | 8000 | 3000 | | |
    24 | | | | | | | | | |
    25 | The Jeweled Cities | lt_murgen | Jonas Grumby, The Pirate King of the Jeweled Cities | 29.000 | 9000 | | 1000 | |
    26 | | | | | | | | | | [/table]
    Last edited by WaylanderX; 2014-02-04 at 02:41 PM.
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