Emerald is stunned and doesn't know how to react to the situation. Her mouth is completely silent, but her mind is filled with chaos.

Is Cadeyrn trying to get on my good side again? Of course he would be considerate enough to go all-out with buying me these gifts. He is a fantastic man like that.

On the other hand, I really don't need both instruments. But who am I to tell him no? I can't even look at him...Those eyes....

Emerald thought back to the incident in the alleyway, thinking about 'Cadeyrn's' soft, blue eyes that were filled with pure joy as they looked into her eyes as the man put a dagger through her chest.

I know he didn't do anything, and I know it wasn't really him...but I simply cannot stand to look him in the eyes. I know they weren't really his eyes, but they...simply were. All I can see when I look at him is him wanting to kill me.

Get a grip, Emerald! Be strong! He doesn't want to kill you! That was just some creature that stole his body and used it against you!

Even after everything he has been through- Ryol's Torture, Joshua missing, the last several weeks- ...Cadeyrn is still thinking of me.

Emerald's green eyes shine when a tear forms. She folds her arms across her torso and is shaking ever so slightly. She lowers her head to try hiding it, but can't keep herself from sniffling. She simply approaches Cadeyrn, without moving her gaze away from her feet, and rests her head against his chest.