Quote Originally Posted by zabbarot View Post
On a different note, I've started a thread for the Radurjic Codex over here. I'm working on writing up excerpts from it. Right now Silverbit is the only one who's told me that he would like to be a Seeker, but anyone else who is interested please message me.

Seekers are all over the known world studying people, cultures, natural events, and so on. If you'd like to take the role of a seeker studying your nation this is a good excuse to write some fluff
It does sound very interesting... However, I have no idea how to roleplay a Genivanan. Very little is given on their culture, so a few pointers as to how they would write letters would be handy.

Blessings of the Great Ancestor be upon you.
Within in this mighty tomb rests the very nature of reality.
Shouldn't that be mighty tome?