Quote Originally Posted by Jasdoif View Post
While I'm here...a few pages back, someone was asking why we can't just deal with thread problems when they happen (the subject at the time being being index clutter).

Well, this multi-page meta-vote argumentation is "dealing with thread problems when they happen". It's messy, and frequently frustrating. Which is why I'd prefer to prevent these kind of things from needing to happen in the first place.
Does this kind of thing need to happen? Like, ever? At all?

*climbs on soapbox*

People, through your overthinking you have taken the pure process of following someone across threads, forums and even mediums, writing down anything they say even remotely related to the comic and archiving it into the online equivalent of a creepy stalker murder shrine, and made it boring. Why debate this? I'm sure Phantasm has a perfectly reasonable plan that may not be everyone's first choice, but it involves Phantasm continuing to do all the work so I think it should be good enough that we can all go back to compiling the online creepy stalker murder shrine in peace.