Quote Originally Posted by Jasdoif View Post
We're debating the best way to make it less boring. We ended up at the state where multi-page votes were becoming a matter of course prior to the current debating, after all; and I haven't seen much/any support for returning to that state of affairs.
Hey, it's the proper usage of irony! A debate to make the thread less boring has exponentially increased the boredom. Ok, making the thread less boring suggestion.

Quote Originally Posted by ThePhantasm View Post
Okay, so here's the deal:

(1) Voting was intended to be a rare event, and in the first years of the index it was. Voting is a last resort.

(2) Voting takes up too much thread space to simply be called on a whim.

(3) Thread posts need to be constrained to suggestions and friendly discussion.

So I recommend we do this:

(a) If you feel a vote needs to be called, PM me. In the thread, say something like "I PMed a vote suggestion to ThePhantasm."

(b) NO VOTE WILL BE CALLED UNTIL TIME TO UPDATE THE INDEX. At that point any necessary vote(s) will be held together. There are two ways to do this:

- - 1 - - The vote(s) are held by PMing the curator.

- - 2 - - Votes will be held in the thread to facilitate case-making. What do I mean by that? I mean you vote in bold and along with your vote you can write your reasons for voting that way. But once you've made your case, leave it be... don't continue to argue no matter how tempting. It isn't always necessary to have the last word on the internet. Try to make constructive cases for your vote and don't focus too much on criticizing the cases of others (since they can't respond). Remember, the time for discussion was earlier - this is the time for voting.

(c) The index, unfortunately, is not updated on a particular schedule, and voting can end up prolonging that. Usually I try to wait until there are at least 5-6 new quotes on the docket before I update the index.

Hey, what a great plan ThePhantasm has! It will limit votes to once per major thread update, it will involve ending this argument, and does anyone really feel strongly enough against this that they want to continue arguing? Apathy is next to godliness people.