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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Index Reloaded --- (Index of the Giant's Comments II)

    Alright, everyone, sorry for the delay. I'm settling into a new job and things have been hectic.

    I haven't been able to read everything everyone has said over the past few pages, although I made an attempt. Its simply too much... too many suggestions to get a handle on. I'm just going to go with what I think will work best for me as the thread curator.

    In the early days of the index, we had very few votes. The few votes that we did have had few participants and were resolved quickly. The index has grown a lot since then, and many from the GiTP community have been participating (that's a good thing!) but the growth of voices has resulted in some confusion, and we need some new guidelines on voting to help everything run smoothly and to help ensure no one's input or voice is lost in mayhem.

    First of all, many have (I think rightly) suggested that the index should err towards inclusion. Indeed, most of our votes end with inclusion as the result anyways. So I'll be invoking rule F2 more often and just putting quotes in that are obviously in accord with the thread rules. Now, of course, any quote can be voted out of the index, so my say isn't final here - but it will obviously have to be voted out for some good reasons in order to sway everyone! I don't think it will ever actually happen that I include a quote that the majority is against anyways (given that most people seem to be in favor of inclusion). I don't think I've ever been in the minority arguing for inclusion, and only (occasionally) in the minority arguing for exclusion.

    Secondly, quotes will be added to the index either a) when there are at least 6 of them on the docket or b) when it has been two months since the last new quote. We're due for an update now, and I'll be getting to that soon. Obviously updates can get delayed by life and stuff but I'll try to attend to them promptly when I can.

    Before any update, the thread will vote (if needed). For a vote to be called, two separate posters need to PM me requesting a vote. No spontaneous voting (i.e. voting not called by the curator) will be counted! I simply can't keep up with it all! Requests for a vote will only be considered if friendly discussion has not brought consensus - remember, voting is a last resort, not a first resort!

    Once a vote is called, we will vote IN THREAD but please don't discuss during the voting (that way the votes can be easily counted). Votes will be quick... probably 24-48 hours. Why in thread? I think it will be simply easier for me to count the votes by scanning down a page rather than opening individual PMs (and multiple votes may not fit in PM subject titles). Plus with how the voting numbers seem to grow each time I'm not sure my inbox could handle it for long! So it will be in thread, but ONLY before each update so that we minimize thread clutter.

    Speaking of thread clutter - discussing whether a quote should be in the index is not clutter. I realize it can be tiring to see constant discussions going on, but again, this is a community project, and so everyone gets a say. Once a quote has been accepted or rejected by vote, the discussion should be able to conclude amicably. In other words, it would be time to move on.

    I hope everyone finds this fair and agreeable. I am, as always, open to further suggestions.
    Last edited by ThePhantasm; 2014-02-06 at 11:42 PM.
    "And yet, will we ever come to an end of discussion and talk if we think we must always reply to replies? For replies come from those who either cannot understand what is said to them, or are so stubborn and contentious that they refuse to give in even if they do understand." - St. Augustine

    The Index of the Giant's Comments | Thanks, Bradakhan, for the avatar!